Life Update: Studies, Birthdays, and Java (not the coffee)

So I had intended to do a sort of “weekly update” on Sunday…but that didn’t happen. So instead I’m just gonna catch up the last week and a half.

Last Monday I finished the textbook for my first class of this semester. It was a data management foundations course, so it focused a lot on the programming language SQL and how to design a database. I was lucky and a good chunk of the material was just reviewing things from an old class. So after only 10 days I was done studying and ready to take the final!

Studying with Bubbins

The next day I prepped for the final during each of James’s naps. Then after he went to sleep for the night I took the test – and passed! So Zach and I celebrated with our traditional lime cherry ICEEs and some tv watching.

I was so excited – after only 11 days of the semester I was already done with one class! So the next day I dove right into my next class – Software I. It’s an intro to Java class, so you’d think it would be an easy one, but it’s actually a 6 credit class. (For reference, most classes are 3 credits.) I know it’ll be more work, but I’m so excited to build my own piece of software!

So I spent the rest of the week staying up late every night (often past midnight) to work on either my new class or things for this blog. I managed to get two posts up and get through a good chunk of my course videos by Sunday so that was really exciting! You can click on the pictures below if you want to check out those posts:

On Sunday we accidentally slept in, so we watched the first half of church on Zoom. I had to lead the singing time in primary though, so Zach got James down for his nap and I drove over to the church. Normally singing time is only supposed to be 20-25 minutes, so I was keeping an eye on the clock in the back of the room. We only had 9 kids so I wanted to give everyone a turn in our activity and figured going over a few minutes wouldn’t be that big a deal…except our clock was broken. So I ended up going over by 10 minutes – leaving the teachers with less than 10 minutes to get through their lessons. Whoops! I felt so bad. But the kids had fun and learned something – so I think it all worked out okay.

Then in the afternoon we went up to my family’s house for dinner. My brother Helaman had just turned 18 so we got to celebrate his birthday and enjoy some good spaghetti and brownies. There are currently 7 of my siblings living at home so it’s always a party when we visit!

Helaman and my at my wedding

But the party didn’t end there! To celebrate my Dad’s birthday we all met up at IHOP the next morning. It was a blast! We had 10 of us kids there and enjoyed a great breakfast. We tried to get my littlest sister Joy to look at the camera for the picture, but she was more interested in trying to play with James. But hey, we got 11 out of 15 people looking at the camera so I’ll count that as a win.

James got to sit in a high chair for the first time and loved snacking on fruit and smiling at everybody. He was such a sweet, happy boy – I love having a little guy at this age! He’s definitely starting to enjoy going out and being with people more than he used to.

James in his new high chair at home

And now I’m just grinding hard on my software class. Hopefully I can start the final coding project tonight! I start to get really bored just reading through and listening to the material – getting to build and create something is definitely more satisfying. It’s also why I decided on a computer science degree in the first place! It would be amazing if I could finish this class by the end of the month – but I’m really not sure how long this project will take. So come back next week to see where I’m at!

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